About Me

My photo
Manchester, United Kingdom
Hello, I'm Aimee a young t-something from the UK. This blog charts my exploration of certain things that are of interest to me, most notably exploring my femininity and my interest in BDSM and all that fun stuff. Please enjoy my blog and let me know any thoughts and comments you have.

Tuesday, 23 December 2008


Ok, so little nervous about this pic. As you can see, this is me without a wig so no anyone who reads this blog can recognise me on the street, oooh errr!

I had second, third, and fourth thoughts about posting this picture but the feedback and support from several friends who encouraged me to post it was decisive in my decision. That and I actually quite like this picture myself. As much as a love my new wig, it is nice to think that I can look natural and femme using my own hair. Well, I think I do, but you can make up your own minds I'm sure.

It is a little worrying thinking that now people know what I look like and I hope this picture won't come back to haunt me when I become UN Secretary General but two things convinced me otherwise.

Firstly, as much as all the fame of having people reading and commenting on my blog has inflated my own ego, I have little delusions about how many people actually read this blog. (I'm pretty certain that out of the 2000 hits at least 500 have been me checking on my site.) Anyone who reads this will have an interest in tgurls and so no one is going to out me without also outing themselves.

The second thing is that fact that I don't really care if people know that I'm transgender. When I came out to people in Japan, and to my brother it was a relief having people know about the real me and it's something I hope to achieve now I'm back in the UK (when I move down to London of course) And besides, anyone who reacts negatively is probably not someone I want to be friends with anyway.

I hope that by posting this picture it'll help me come to terms more with who I am and maybe also encourage other people not to care I someone recognises something you post and outs you. Still, doesn't make me any less nervous about posting....please me nice to me.

Monday, 22 December 2008

The Beuaty of Bondage

Now that my secret love of BDSM is out in the open -not to mention the fact that I've placed a link to this blog on my collarme page- I thought that I would discuss my attraction to all things kinky in a little more depth.

Before I do that though I would like to thank everyone who has commented on my blog when they've seen me in chat rooms or emailed me at the various websites I frequent. It always makes me happy to know that people are reading and enjoying my blog and while all comments are welcome, comments on the blog itself are more so, as they allow the opportunity for discussion to develop and can influence the direction of topics I write about.

I've been drawn to BDSM from a young age, as soon as I first came across it when I was perhaps 14 or 15. I feel that, had I been born "a real girl" it would have been something I would have already have sought out and experienced. There is however less demand for a boy -especially a genderbender such as myself- from the BDSM massive. Of course tgirls are highly prized and many people admire tgurl models, but for every shemale starlet there is a rainbow of pantie wearers dreaming of what would happen "if only they had a chance." I'm not sure yet if I'm one of them or not.

What appeals to me most is perhaps the aesthetic beauty that I find from BDSM. The The outfits, the form, and the control inherent in bondage makes my tummy bubble and my loins ache. I've already mentioned how the cession of control resonates within me and bondage is the ultimate visual expression.The girl has no control and is positioned by others to be pleasing. This form can be simply kneeling in a corner or the use of elaborate outfits, cuffs, chains, ropes and collars. At the risk of sounding like a if-only-i-could dreamer, I will add that being a bondage model is also something I would seriously like, if I ever become presented with the opportunity of course.

Wednesday, 17 December 2008

O Mistress, Where Art Thou?

Wherein Penny discusses the Dark side of her psyche, talks with a real life ex t-gurl porn star, and becomes an Owned sex doll for slightly over a week.

Some of you may, on occasion, have stumbled across some of the profiles i have on a myriad of sites on the interweb and so already be aware that as well as having an active interest in dressing like a member of the feminine sex I also have an interest in the deliciously dark world of BDSM.

Which came first I do not know, but for many years now my desire to dress and experience BDSM have gone hand in hand. In fact, my brother found out I was tg when, finding my porn collection which I had in my youthful folly decided to save on a communal pc, asked me if I wanted to do that kind of things to girls, to which I had to nervously reply that, no, I would much rather be the girl themselves.

I will not discuss too much in this space the various things that appeal to me in the BDSM scene, or the experiences I have had so far -to do so would make too long a post and drain the interest from all but the most avid and intrepid of readers- but will let you in on an experience I've had in this last week.

One of the websites I frequent is Collarme, a wonderfully inept website for finding the right kind of person I'm after but spectacular for finding an assortment of weido's, wannabes, and money whores. (I apologise for the aside her, but this week I messaged as so-called Mistress asking to talk and received the reply that to do so i must top up her phone in tribute. When i declined to do so because i believed it undermined the fundamental trust between a submissive and a Dominant she disdainfully declared that she had no time for freeloaders!) It is very difficult to find people who not only match your kinks, but also your location, as wells as being physically attractive to you. This week however I got as close as I've been for a long while.

I met a Master who certainly ticked all the boxes for the way i liked to be treated, he said the right things and made me say the kind of things i love being made to say. he was also well educated, well off and well endowed. (the last bit is actually a lie, i didn't see his member, but felt I had to add it for literary effect) The only trouble is that he was much older then me and I was not sure how physically attractive I found him.

We chatted for a while on messengers and mic and even arranged to meet. i was nervous but took all the normal precautions of making sure it was public and I could get away if needs be. At this point, to dissuade any undue disappointment of anyone expecting a tale of a steamy sojourn i'll tell you now that the meeting never happened. The trouble was, i think he disagreed with me on the basic principle that while a submissive does indeed submit, she is essentially an equal to the Master.

I'm a big believe in equality, and that doesn't mean I don't get excited about name calling, and orders, but I think that a Dominant should care for their subbie and graciously accept and respect the gift of submission they are given. In short, they should expect no more of the subbies time and effort then they would give themselves and should trust them as much as the subbie gives them trust.

This is where the relationship broke down, i felt I was giving much of what he asked, my time in writing reports, and by thinking of him all day (it really was very exciting while it was going on) but I did not feel I was getting the same in return. We talked most days and then I didn't hear from him for a few days. I gradually stopped writing reports as I was getting none back, nor a list of instructions/rules that had been promised. I naturally assumed that there had been some problem, that he would get to me when he could, and that something must have just come up. As it happens I was right. Perhaps. However unfortunately he was not such a positive thinker.

After a few days of nothing I got a note left on my messenger "I suspect that you no longer want to continue this relationship." I was incensed, ok, i had not written for a few days, but i had been on and waiting and had been thinking of him alot. I assumed he had his reasons for not writing, but he assumed that I had lost interest or something. And in doing so, I did.

For me, my attraction to a Dominant is largely based upon respect, and for him to assume the worst i had lost some of the respect i had had for him. He tried to explain saying that his father had been ill and he'd been busy, and also that he could not meet as planned. Whether this was true or not matters little, i would like to believe him. But to assume the worst of me i felt was disrespectful. I told him I needed to reconsider things, and maybe I will. But since that happened, several days ago now, I have no heard from him. I will see how things go in the future but I am not holding my breath. Oh well, maybe when I move down to London....

Disclaimer: Penny apologises for the false advertising about meeting a real life ex-tgurl porn star. This is in fact true but she sadly felt this post would be too long to mention it in this space. Penny apreciates all comments from her readers especially those which may lead on to future blog topics. If there is anything you would like to know more about please leave Penny a comment and she will endevor to touch upon the subject in the near future.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

Red, Blonde, or Raven?

Found this fun programme online that allows you to do a virtual make over on your very own pc. I've spent hours and hours of the last few days playing about and experimenting with different hair styles to see what might suit me. These are the best three that I liked and aptly are three different colours.

For the last few years I've had dark wigs and have started creating my look based on that, but as a natural red head I wondered if I should think about going for a similar colour to my natural hue or maybe even blond.

I'd be glad to know peoples opinions of these pictures. I also tried some shorter cuts but the pictures didn't work as well. Still a little bit of length is nice and feminine. I do like cute girls with short funky hair styles but I'm not sure how effectively I could pull that off. It would be nice though to be able to have an andro cut so all I have to do it pop on a bit of make up to look more femme.

Saturday, 13 December 2008

The London Job...

So finally, after weeks of waiting I found out about the London job yesterday. I've been so nervous the last few weeks knowing that if I got the job I'd be moving down to London in the new year and have the opportunity to dress and go out that I want so bad. Well, to cut a long story short, I didn't get it :(.

I won't say I wasn't gutted as I was, feeling a little depressed right now especially as my temporary contract expires next week so over Christmas I'll be an unemployed 25 y/o with no job living in the smallest room of my parents house. What a prospect I am!

But oh well, at least the job wasn't my dream job, maybe the fact that I told them I saw it as a starting position that I'd only do for a year or two made them less likely to employ me? I know in the end it was between me and one other person and I'm just wondering why they went for him and not me? Did he have more experience? Was he a nicer person? Was it just the fact that they couldn't choose between us and they saw him a week after me and so had forgotten me? I dunno. My mum wants me to phone to find out but to be honest that doesn't sound very appealing to me. I just want to move on.

Monday, 8 December 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

Ha, too funny! I swear I didn't fiddle with this honest! I do however find it quite funny that the programme I used seemed to think I was asian (or should be asian perhaps.) It's actually quite a compliment as I do find asian women -and especially asian ladyboys- have a beauty I can only dream of. I've always said if somone had given me the choice to have been a girl at the start I would have deffinatly taken it, and if they'd offered me the oppertunity to have been an asian girl i would have bitten their hand off!

As complimentary as it is I'm not going to take it seriously, I don't think I'm going to get mistaken for Hamasaki Ayumi or Otsuka Ai walking down the street any time soon. So any thoughts? Do you think I *could* pass as a girl, or even pass as an asian girl? When I was in Japan, and before i changed to this current name I used the last name 'Suzuki' for some unknown reason and even after people saw my pictures I still, on occasion, got asked if I was Japanese or half Japanese, so maybe it isn't quite as far fetched as I might think?

Friday, 5 December 2008

Fun with Flickr

I decided to put some of my pictures up on flickr recently and am very glad I did :) I've had lots of people looking and many making comment. I fell like such an attention whore but it's just so nice to know that people are enjoying my pictures. I even put up some naughty ones but decided to limit the access as I wasn't too sure about showing too much to anyone who fancies a peek.

I made a link on my flickr profile to my blog here so hopefully I have a few new readers, although I'm still waiting for people to make some comment on here.

I also popped one of my pics up on hot or not also. This was a little scary as it would be in amongst pictures of 'normal' people but I just couldn't resist. Currently I have a rating of 5.9, which actually I'm quite happy about. Ok, being marked 5 out of 10 isn't the best result but I am up again people who were born with boobies and the fact that I've not been given a 1 by everyone for being a bloke in a skirt, so 5 out of 10 isn't too bad. I wonder how many people realise that I'm a tgurl from my pictures, does everyone know, or am I fooling all the hotornotters? Who knows. There's a link to my page on here too, so feel free to vote for me on there too, hehe.

On the subject of voting I'm getting my pictures rated on tvchix as well and been getting alot more 10's which makes me happy. Slowly I'm creeping up on my ratings and am wondering if I'll be able to make the top 25 this month.....exciting times.

Lastly, I'm still waiting on that job. They should have gotten back to me by now *grumble grumble* The fact that I was in the last two though means that they're going to ring me whatever the outcome, so no news is not necessarily bad news....

Monday, 1 December 2008

New Pics!

I had a wonderfully fun few hours this morning, finally, for the first time in weeks I had the house all to myself and was able to try out my new corset and wig and take some new photos. I always find that in order to get one relatively cute pic I have to take at least ten others. So you can guess how many pictures I had to take to get twenty that I was reasonably happy with. I would have probably have taken more, but unfortunately the batteries on my camera -which were new and fully charged- ran out. I have more pics on my flickr page which I'll try to put a link up once I figure it out....