I decided to put some of my pictures up on flickr recently and am very glad I did :) I've had lots of people looking and many making comment. I fell like such an attention whore but it's just so nice to know that people are enjoying my pictures. I even put up some naughty ones but decided to limit the access as I wasn't too sure about showing too much to anyone who fancies a peek.
I made a link on my flickr profile to my blog here so hopefully I have a few new readers, although I'm still waiting for people to make some comment on here.
I also popped one of my pics up on hot or not also. This was a little scary as it would be in amongst pictures of 'normal' people but I just couldn't resist. Currently I have a rating of 5.9, which actually I'm quite happy about. Ok, being marked 5 out of 10 isn't the best result but I am up again people who were born with boobies and the fact that I've not been given a 1 by everyone for being a bloke in a skirt, so 5 out of 10 isn't too bad. I wonder how many people realise that I'm a tgurl from my pictures, does everyone know, or am I fooling all the hotornotters? Who knows. There's a link to my page on here too, so feel free to vote for me on there too, hehe.
On the subject of voting I'm getting my pictures rated on tvchix as well and been getting alot more 10's which makes me happy. Slowly I'm creeping up on my ratings and am wondering if I'll be able to make the top 25 this month.....exciting times.
Lastly, I'm still waiting on that job. They should have gotten back to me by now *grumble grumble* The fact that I was in the last two though means that they're going to ring me whatever the outcome, so no news is not necessarily bad news....
I made a link on my flickr profile to my blog here so hopefully I have a few new readers, although I'm still waiting for people to make some comment on here.
I also popped one of my pics up on hot or not also. This was a little scary as it would be in amongst pictures of 'normal' people but I just couldn't resist. Currently I have a rating of 5.9, which actually I'm quite happy about. Ok, being marked 5 out of 10 isn't the best result but I am up again people who were born with boobies and the fact that I've not been given a 1 by everyone for being a bloke in a skirt, so 5 out of 10 isn't too bad. I wonder how many people realise that I'm a tgurl from my pictures, does everyone know, or am I fooling all the hotornotters? Who knows. There's a link to my page on here too, so feel free to vote for me on there too, hehe.
On the subject of voting I'm getting my pictures rated on tvchix as well and been getting alot more 10's which makes me happy. Slowly I'm creeping up on my ratings and am wondering if I'll be able to make the top 25 this month.....exciting times.
Lastly, I'm still waiting on that job. They should have gotten back to me by now *grumble grumble* The fact that I was in the last two though means that they're going to ring me whatever the outcome, so no news is not necessarily bad news....
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