I feel quite fortunate that, after several years out in the wilderness of the interweb, I seem to finally be finding the cool people. Last week I told you about going shopping with Jen and Chloe, two girls who I met in a chat room I often frequent for people of my disposition. Theres been a few others who I've chatted to and have decided that, considering there is no chance of moving out of my parents box room just yet, that I will take the bull my the horns and fabricate a night out for myself.
So come the second Friday of next month, a week or so after I turn 24 for the second (or is it third?) time I shall be going down south for a "friends birthday" (for "friends birthday" please read "tranny night out") and meeting up with allot of cool people, getting dressed up pretty, and hopefully not embarrassing myself too badly. (my friend Lucy has promised not too let me drink too much wine).

I am *very* excited and really can't wait. Not just so that I can dress how i like in public, but so that I can get to know better some people who I've had good chats with on the net. I've got my outfit picked out now. The theme is 'red' which was the clincher really on my outfit (my wardrobe is so limited there isn't that much red in it really) so I'm going to wear my corset with my lil tartan skirt and some fishnets thrown in. I bought some shoes in mancs last week so hopefully those will do. They're a little too big but i hear you can fix that problem by inserting some gel pads or something.
Speaking of insertions (no not that kind) I've been test driving my new boobs this week too. I still feel D cup is potentially too big for me (and certainly too big for my bras) but it goes ok when i wear a t-shirt or other high necked top. I might take them for fun but I don't think they'll work with my corset.

I also bought another couple of essentials for the Big Night Out, a new set of panties and bra as my previous set looked like I'd stolen them from a tiny Japanese manga girl (i actually did buy them in Osaka so maybe that's not really surprising). They're very sexy and I might put up a pic for you readers if I can find one that isn't too raunchy. And also I bought a shrug, I've got no pics of that as yet, but it goes really well with my corset and means by boi shoulders dra
w slightly less attention.
Anyway, I'll put some pics up with this blog of the outfit, as well as some of the recent pics. Hope you like!
So come the second Friday of next month, a week or so after I turn 24 for the second (or is it third?) time I shall be going down south for a "friends birthday" (for "friends birthday" please read "tranny night out") and meeting up with allot of cool people, getting dressed up pretty, and hopefully not embarrassing myself too badly. (my friend Lucy has promised not too let me drink too much wine).

I am *very* excited and really can't wait. Not just so that I can dress how i like in public, but so that I can get to know better some people who I've had good chats with on the net. I've got my outfit picked out now. The theme is 'red' which was the clincher really on my outfit (my wardrobe is so limited there isn't that much red in it really) so I'm going to wear my corset with my lil tartan skirt and some fishnets thrown in. I bought some shoes in mancs last week so hopefully those will do. They're a little too big but i hear you can fix that problem by inserting some gel pads or something.
Speaking of insertions (no not that kind) I've been test driving my new boobs this week too. I still feel D cup is potentially too big for me (and certainly too big for my bras) but it goes ok when i wear a t-shirt or other high necked top. I might take them for fun but I don't think they'll work with my corset.

I also bought another couple of essentials for the Big Night Out, a new set of panties and bra as my previous set looked like I'd stolen them from a tiny Japanese manga girl (i actually did buy them in Osaka so maybe that's not really surprising). They're very sexy and I might put up a pic for you readers if I can find one that isn't too raunchy. And also I bought a shrug, I've got no pics of that as yet, but it goes really well with my corset and means by boi shoulders dra

Anyway, I'll put some pics up with this blog of the outfit, as well as some of the recent pics. Hope you like!
Hey! Just thought i'd say that I came across your blog, and quite enjoyed the read! So will be coming back more often! Keep it up
I think you're quite lovely and your blog is really thoughtful. I'm not as far along or as pretty as you but I share some of your interests, I'm a bit of a foot fetishist for some reaon..Luv Ya
So very sexy and so hot doll!!!
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