About Me

- Aimee Piper
- Manchester, United Kingdom
- Hello, I'm Aimee a young t-something from the UK. This blog charts my exploration of certain things that are of interest to me, most notably exploring my femininity and my interest in BDSM and all that fun stuff. Please enjoy my blog and let me know any thoughts and comments you have.
Monday, 31 May 2010
Gaydar: Guys Vs Girl

I'm not sure what gay men would think of somone dressing like a girl posting on their site, or if gay women would have any problems with a boi in a dress appearing on theirs, but if they're were any problems I have yet to hear of it. And really, if you don't like my profile no one has to write me. I think for the most part though people won't mind.
It does lead me to thinking however what it is I'm looking for in a partner. I think the most fundamental thing, even before we start talking about the sex or gender, is that the person accepts me as who I am. I would love to be in the position to be in a loving relationship especially if I know that being transgendered was not only something accepted but desired even. Despite what my mum thinks (who feels tgs are something people either poke fun at or beat up) I think they're are people out they're who like the different attrabutes that a transgendered woman can bring to a relationship.
I don't like being steriotyped and try not to do the same to others, so its important to acknowlage that they're are as much range in men and woman as there are in transgendered people, but I do belive that they're are people out there who are more attracted to tg's the less. It would be nice to find a bf or gf from these sites but I'm equally happy to make more friends.
Saturday, 29 May 2010
This was infact the third or fouth kinky club night that had been organised by the nice people from the local munch, but my overseas galavanting of the last year has meant that I unfortunatly missed the previous ones. So this was my chance to see how things panned out in my own little berg.
I must admit that I am not especially experienced when it comes to organised club nights. I had been to a few t-focused ones, one in Leeds and BNO down in MK; and to a couple that were more kinky such as Lash and the club night after BBB. I think these are often smaller scale events where people come for the night as opposed to just a drink like you would get from a regular bar. Compared to these limited experience the night stood up very favorable.
I'm not sure what the final head count was but there was excess of thirty people when I arrived, most of which I didn't know. There was still a good number of the munch crowed however that I felt like I knew the majority of people. The club, like the munch, takes place in the first floor of one of the local bars, an old building with charecter (which i like) but sadly needs some work to keeping out the freezing cold! The main area is devided into three sections by wooden partitions, the central area being used for seating and the two side wings were filled with an assortment of bondage apparatus kindly brought from Nemesis in Manchester.
The aparatus however wasn't getting much use, I guess you need to have a certain amount of confidence and know a few people to strap yourself into a set of stocks and present your behind. Still, there organisers had thought of everything it seemed.
Forms were handed out to put forward yourself into the slave auction. I am not sure if funds were being raised for charity to cover event cost/ provide goodies for the future, i'll have to ask. Its an interesting idea but one I'm not necessarily sure about as it seems to me Dom/mes are more likely to bid then subbies meaning half of the people there were almost expected to pay while the other half where less likely. I certainly didn't put any bids in although I did fill out a form.
I'm not sure how much I went for or if there were more then one bid put in for me. Everyone was 'sold' it seemed which certainly implies that perhaps sympathy bids existed. I know that the lady who ended up 'winning' me certainly bidded for three other people. Still, it took nothing away from my enjoyment as I was led to the stocks and told to strip to my panties.
The Mistress took out a violet want and used a number of seperat attachement to tease my body. I wasn't sure how to react however as actually it just felt quite nice for the most part. The only exception being when she ran it over my nipple with just make me squirm a little bit. Later I saw her using it on somone else who was wriggling all over the place. Not sure if that means I have a higher pain threshold or just that the Mistress had found a higher setting on the dial.
The evening, and in fact the whole day (which was the same day as the pony play meet) seemed to go very quickly sadly unfortunatly and I wish I had had the oppertunity to talk to a few more people (and indeed try out a few more of the toys) but it was very enjoyable catching up with alot of people and I look forward to the next event.
Wednesday, 26 May 2010
The future starts now!
TINT: cross-dressing vs transvestite
Now I know my own name and, at a pinch, I can describe myself, but the next part really threw me. The text "I am" is followed by a pull down bar with the options: Cross Dresser, Transsexual, Transvestite, Woman, Man, Couple. Hmmm tricky...
One day I'll get around to writing my thesis in full regarding my opinions on gender (to cut a long story short I don't believe it exists and if it does then it's based on little more than semantics) however it was the Cross-Dresser Vs Transvestite option that threw me here.
Ok, so a cross dresser is someone who crossed clothes right? A boy who dresses like a girl or a girl like a boy. Where as a *transvestite* is someone who 'trans' (crosses) 'vestites' (clothes). You know, i think I'll just tick the boy box!
Interestingly I've just noticed another tg site, tvchix, has just change their pigeon hole options. Previously they had had blue tags for male/female admirers, orange tags for transsexuals and pink tags for pretty much everyone else. (CD, TV or t-somethings). I had always been a bit envious of those orange tags but felt I couldn't switch over until I was living full time.
However I noticed more and more organge tags appearing of late, some from people who certainly didn't look transsexual. After closer investigation I noticed that the self-definition options had been change. Now as well as pulling male, female, couple or intersexed you can choose from a range of complimentary options including the traditional TV, CD, pre-op and post-op as well as the new t-girl and transgender.
Now I have as much idea about the distinction between t-girl and transgender as I do about TV and TG but it is nice that there are a few more options. Personally I tend to try and avoid defining myself but understand why sites feel they need to. To me t-girl or transgender seem to be the loosest definition and more obviously be taken to mean a number of things which is why I choose them if they are options.
I guess the point of all this is that if you want to know more about me ask me as there are so many different views on what these tag means that we would probably be having different views anyway.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Pony Play Day
The site is a wonderful eighteenth century barn that has been lovingly converted into a delightfully deviant den. Dark beams straddle the antique ceiling and provide alcoves and support for all manner of devices and toys. This pony play event was very different to the last one I had attended as it was held in a small grassed area at the back of the barn as opposed to a covered factory space like that previous event. (see older blogs
I had developed an outfit for the event and I promise I will try and get a photo as soon as I am able (I am conscious that there is a lack of visuals in my most recent posts and will work to address this). An admirer had kindly bought me a pvc mini dress recently and considering I had lost some weight while I was away I decided I would risk something skin tight for once.
One of the problems of tight outfits however is that they do not leave much to imagination and as I am still technically male I lack the curves in the right places (and one or two bumps in the wrong). To redress this problem I slipped on a swimsuit underneath which not only helped with the tucking but also gave me more support in slipping a pair of false boobs (chicken fillets) into the top of my dress. Normally I avoid using these (especially as I find flat chested girls are hot) but I felt that their inclusion gave me a more acceptable female figure. I also added a pair of tights underneath all of that to aid in tucking a modesty and a some pvc boots that I had picked up for £20 from the Birmingham Bizarre Bazaar (BBB) the previous week.
Sadly there was not as many people as we all had hoped and I think a number of people had said they were going to come and then decided not to (most rude). However the people who were there more than made up for the lack of the others. As well as the couple who run their barn and their daughter there were two other ponies (one boy pony and one tv) an experienced pony training Mistress from somewhere in Yorkshire I believe, and a couple who had come all the way down from Scotland. The slave was a dogboy and I doubt there can be many more complete dog slaves anywhere in the world.
The Mistress from up north has a lot of pony training experience although sadly her own pony wasn't able to come as they're had been some issue at the last moment. This however did mean that I was very privileged to have her attention for much of the day. We spent some time in the back field doing dressage. I had a basic knowledge from previous pony play but with her help I was able to develop my techniques as well as learn a few new things. We practiced walking (walking with knees high) two kinds of trotting and also cross stepping which was new to me. I loved every moment. Pony’s are so pretty and I tried to be as graceful as I could
The idea had been to have a competition with different events and rosettes for the winners but due to the low turnout and the sweltering heat we never got that far. It was nice nonetheless to get in the pony mind set, a level which was aided by the presence of a bit in my mouth for period of play. I don't think I spoke again for the whole day until the Mistress sadly had to leave and I decided that it would be rude not to say goodbye and to thank her for her training and grooming.
At the end my friend debs (a.k.a cutie) turned up. She is a gorgeous puppy girl with the most amazing outfit. Sadly she was in regular mode today as she was working until later in the day but it was wonderful to see her for the first time since I got back to the UK. She was telling me however that she was going to be a demo bunny at one of the upcoming BBBs where the focus was going to be on pet play. I'll have to make sure I go to that one! I wonder if they needs and demo ponies
Wednesday, 19 May 2010
Sparkle like you mean it
I guess I got a bit tarde before I left and didn't update about last years Sparkle. For those who don't know Sparkle is the UKs biggest transgender festival and takes place in Manchester every year in July. I went last year and had a great time. I met up with friends, had a couple of nights out on the tiles and wrote an article for Repartee, a magazine that a friend of mine runs. Sparkle has a number of different events such as live music a volleyball tournament and the headline event Tranny of the Year (Toty).
My nine months in Peru meant that I had no opportunities to get out but I kept myself going by promising that I'd make up for it when I got back to the UK. Even before I returned to the UK I had mailed the Sparkle organisers about entering Toty.
Confirmation came today and I'm in! Wow. Exciting! Not quite sure what to expect yet as no details have been sent out yet but one thing is for sure....it'll make a good couple of blog posts in the near future!
Back in the UK
Wow, everything went quiet for a bit back there didn’t it? I was about to start up a new blog with a clean start but then I got reading this one and realised it would be a shame not to continue. However, then I realised that I had nearly forty posts from way back to 2008, 23 followers and over 36000 hits. 36000. I had to double check as I figured I’d added an extra 0 but no. 36. Thousand. That’s a hell of a lot of hits!
Anyway, even though most of those followers have probably dropped by the way side and the majority of those hits probably came months and months ago, it seemed a little daft to start a new account especially when the goal of this blog was to chart my progress. Sadly, there has not been too much of that since the last post. Those who have dipped into the recesses of the blog will know that back in 2008 I was living with my parents while I was busy job hunting and on the cusp of gaining the independence required to explore my t-shaped world. Sadly, writing this nearly two years later, I find myself in much the same predicament...
I have spent the last 9 months in Peru volunteering. It was my hope that I could dodge the recession while gaining the skills required to finally get that job in London; or Manchester, or Milton Keynes or wherever would take me! Well, it might happen, it might not, but like last time I will make sure that I take whatever opportunities come my way. Yes, I might not be able to explore as fully as I’d like, but I’ll be buggered if I’ll sit on my arse moping about!