About Me

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Manchester, United Kingdom
Hello, I'm Aimee a young t-something from the UK. This blog charts my exploration of certain things that are of interest to me, most notably exploring my femininity and my interest in BDSM and all that fun stuff. Please enjoy my blog and let me know any thoughts and comments you have.

Monday, 19 July 2010

Top TotY

Today I’m going to continue writing about Sparkle, as I said previously, it’s a pretty big topic and so it’s going to take me more then one post to cover some of the key events of the weekend from my perspective. Sparkle takes place in and around Canal Street on a Friday, Saturday and Sunday normally in July. While there are things happening on all three days, the biggest events take place on the Saturday, and the most popular of these is the Tranny of the Year competition.

I understand that in the early years of Sparkle (the event only began in 2004) the competition had been known as the ‘Miss Sparkle’ pagent but somewhere along the line someone decided to rebrand the event. Personally I feel that Miss Sparkle is a better name than Tranny of the Year however I must admit that ‘TotY’ is a useful acronym. I do feel however that it might blur the edges of who the competition is for as some people might not like to refer to themselves as a ‘tranny’ while others feel that the name implies it should be limited to transvestites. I was chatting to someone after the event who told me that they did not feel it was fair as transsexuals were allowed to enter. From my own perspective I did not mind but I can see where they were coming from.

When I attended Sparkle last year I bumped into my friend Jessica, a girl I knew from chix who had entered the competition. It seemed like a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people (not to mention get a little attention) and so I thought that it would be fun to enter.

I sent in my application a couple of months before the event and swapped some emails with Leah True, tgirl extrodanair and one of the organisers of Sparkle. I received some instructions on things to consider when being marked during the pagent and an invitation to pick up my competition sash from AXM, the bar in Manchester which was hosting the launch party.

I arrived by myself on the Friday evening a flittered about as I usually seem to do at these events before catching Leah’s eye and introducing myself. Leah is a lovely person, very friendly and welcoming and we sat down as I registered and received my competition sash. In previous years the sashs had had the entrants name written on them, and I must admit this was one of the attractions of entering, so I was a little sad to see that the sashs were generic, with the name of the sponsor and event as well as an individual number. Leah explained that they had been short of entrants up until quite late and so did not have the two weeks needed in advance to send them to the printers. Also, the cost were a little expensive and it was one expense they perhaps didn’t need. (I should point out that there is no entrance fee for Sparkle or the contest and while I don’t know where they get the money from, the organisers manage to do a fantastic job.

After receiving my sash I had a new key card to use for getting into conversations which after all, was one of the main reasons why I had entered. I met several other girls who were competing and some of them I feel I clicked with very well especially two girls from Birmingham called AyCee and Cyndie. It was also easier to talk to other people and I met a very nice girl from Scotland called Cat and was able to catch up with another few friend who I had not been able to meet before including another Jess, this time from Leeds. Jess was a very cool chick and I had spoken to her off and on for a couple of years so to finally meet her was a high point for my weekend.

For the rest of the night I hung around with Cat, AyCee and Cyndie as well as meeting up with another friend Aleks who I had also been talking to for a couple of years and had met at the previous Indulgence, the BDSM club night in my home town. I was having a really good evening until I discovered that my clutch handbag had popped open and half of the contents had fallen out! someone on the street very kindly tapped me on the shoulder to point it out and I managed to scramble all of the bits lying at my feet back in. It was only later that I realised I had not gathered everything…

One of the great things about Canal Street is that its is the LGBTG heart of Manchester and also a place where many people go on hen and stag nights. Many people there are gay or bi but far from everyone and tgirls are a common site so abuse or negative comments are rare and often outweighed by the positive. I remember being accosted by a girl who was out with her gaggle of girl friends who wanted to pose with me and take photos which I took to be a compliment.

It was about 2am when I next opened my purse to check the contents and realised that I was missing something. Fortunately my money and card were still there but somewhere in Canal Street I had lost my room key! The key was a card that fitted into the door of my room and was pretty generic, but with it I had lost a small card that had come with it which had contained my room number and the name of the hotel. Fearing that some randomer might have found them and was now sleeping in my bed I decided, reluctantly, that I should return to my room.

As no one else was staying in my direction I had a long, lonely walk back but I made it to the hotel unscathed and the nigh porter let me in. I told him I lost my key and he checked my name off the list and issued me with a room key. I asked if I needed to pay anything but he waved me away implying that it was a common occurence. I went back to my room and found it in the same state I had left it a few hours earlier and felt relief but I was also a bit annoyed that my airheadedness had curtailed a good night. Still, it was only Friday and tomorrow was another day.

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Back from Sparkle

Just got back from Sparkle earlier today. Its nice to have a chance to rest my poor feet! I'm normally quite good in heels but I've never worn them for practically two days solid before. Deffinatly something else to add to the need-to-buy list: a pair of nice flat shoes!

I have a lot to write about and I doubt very much that it will all fit into one blog post but I'll try and cover a bit of the background in this post and a general overview of the weekend. As covered in previous enties this year was my second Sparkle, the first being twelve months ago. I was a bit disorganised that time and and ended up crashing on peoples floors. It was ok, but I did feel as if I was imposing a little. This time I made sure to book a hotel room early but having not met up with many people who I knew were going I didn't end up sharing with anyone. I ended up being quite far from other people and this made me feel a little bit isolated as I was often wandering around by myself while waiting for people. I'll have to make sure to rectify this before I start re-enforcing my image as the resident billy-no-mates of Sparkle.

Hopefully though I met enough people over the weekend that I will be able to arrange to stay closer to people and maybe even share a room. I got a good deal at the hotel and it wasn't to expensive but if I'd been in a triple instead of a single it would have been cheaper and I wouldn't have had to share a bathroom. There were at least three people who I met for the first time over the weekend who I've actually known for probably two years each and it was nice to finally meet in purpose and see them as real people as opposed to electronic-contacts.

Thats probably the best thing about Sparkle, there are so many people that its the best chance to meet new friends. The fact its in Manchester's Canal Street as opposed to just a night in a bar means that you can do alot more mingling and talk to stranger or friends-of-friends more naturally and without shouting.

Anyway, I'm tired and need to catch up with my sleep so I'll finish there for tonight but promise to write more when I get half a chance!

Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Another Night of Indulgence

About 12 months ago, the organisers of my local munch decided that they were going to set up a club night, so that people from my little city and the surrounding area can get their local fetish fix. Having been overseas for much of the last year, I missed the first couple of events but heard that they were very well attended and successful. I managed to make it to the last one and covered it in a previous blog and last Saturday I made to to my second Club Indulgence.

Previous events had had some great numbers but perhaps had not been as well organised as the group might have hoped. To tighten things up we got together a five-person committee to take responsibility for different things and somehow I ended up being the fifth member. Not that I had too much responsibilities to worry about and, to be honest I didn't actually make any of the pre-event meetings, but it did mean that I was able to wear a shiny badge on the night that told everyone I was a Team Member.

In my case being a team member consisted of pestering everyone to buy raffle tickets, making sure that no one was sitting around on their own like a lemon and test driving any of the equipment that others thought wasn't getting the attention it deserved. All this was quite fun although I did feel a little bad pestering people to buy raffle tickets but most people bought a fivers worth and we made a fair amount of money which was split between an equipment fund and a chosen charity. In this case it was for a domestic violence supporting group which was a very worthy cause.

For the night we kindly had some equipment loaned by the local barn that I have blogged about previously, including the frame that had been put together at the scrap yard challenge the other week. In addition to this there was a flogging bench, a netted frame and a very small cage which I got locked in for a small chunk of the night. The cage seemed tiny and I had to back in but I was quite pleased at how long I was able to remain in it without feeling too uncomfortable.

Having my 'Team Member' and being forced to sell raffle tickets meant that I was able to talk to everyone who came to the club night. We only had abut 30-35 people which was less then normal but it was a good enough number that people didn't feel over crowded and could talk to each other and use the different pieces of equipment.

The night finished at about two and I stayed to help tidy up at the end. Everything ran really smoothly and I'm looking forward to the next one which will be in September.

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Help! Shoe Conundrum!

My dress for Sparkle came the other day so yay! For under 30 quid on ebay it is most impressive, a pretty colour, a snug fit and with a pretty mesh design. I'm definitely happy! The only problem now is shoes...

While it is true that I do comfortably own more girl shoes then boy shoes I am saddened to admit that they aren't all the perfect fit. It's a hard thing to do, to perk up the courage to march into a mainstream store and start trying on shoes and so unfortunately, more often then not, I have resorted to buying some shoes that I bought from the hip, or that I bought from ebay.

I have this one lovely pair that are 4 inch patent leather MJs that I love. However the only pair is that when I asked for a size 6.5 they sent me a size 10. Admittedly it was a US size 10 which I guess is UK 9 (maybe) but they are still too big, and while I can walk in them, I do not think clopping around in too big shoes is going to impress the sparkle judges.

I have another pair of shoes that are practical if unspectacular but fit snugly. The heel, no more then three inches, is easy to walk in and they are the kind of shoe you could happily wear for hours. The only draw back it, that while mostly black, there is a thin line of white running around the edge. If I'm wearing a red and black dress surly that white is going to jump out a mile. Plus they're no where near as sexy as the four inches, but then at least I can walk in them naturally.

The only other option is to go and buy some new shoes, and while normally I do not require much persuasion my bank account is so empty it echos. Can I really justify buying another pair of shoes? And if I did where would I get them from if I can't trust ebay and don't fancy walking into a store to try them on?

Thursday, 1 July 2010

40 000 Hits!!!

Ok, I'll admit maybe 50 000 hits is probably a better milestone....but I just couldn't wait! Thank you to everyone who has visited my website and an especial thank you to the ones who keep coming back! Please continue to do so and I promise I'll try and keep things interesting.

I think most of those 'visitors' have come from people visiting different pages however as since I hooked up Google Analytics to my site on the 22nd of May I have only actually recorded 1356 visitors, although that in itself is pretty good in a little over then a month!

As we're quoting statzies, here are a few more:
  • The majority of visitors (621) have come from the UK with over 300 coming from London alone. Manchester, Edinburgh and Birmingham follow but those three have only 74 hits combined.
  • The second most represented country is the USA with 410 hits arriving from 45 different states. New York (64) and California (35) are where most visitors hale from.
  • Visitors have come from 64 different countries with Germany (62), Australia (32) and France (32) all having good showing.
  • The average time spent looking at the site is a little over 2 minutes (02:01) with 80% of those being from new visitors.
  • The 1356 visitors have views a combined 3772 pages meaning that on average each individual hit covers 2.78 pages.
  • The most popular day was June 13th when 120 people viewed the site.
  • Nearly half (48%) of traffic was directed from HungAngels.com, a shemale/tg appreciation community site. 119 people have come across from the link in my tvchix page while 145 have come from blogger links (which I wonder if that means me clicking on the page to see how many new hits I have....)
So yeah, 40 000 hits, whooot whoooot whoooo! Thank you very much for your visit and I hope I'll see more of you in the future.
