Quite a bit is going on at the moment which is exciting and they're are a fair few things I have to be looking forward to. The big thing is of course Sparkle which is only two weeks away now (less actually eep!) I got an email from Leah True over the weekend who is one of the organisers containing some basic information about what will be happening for the Tranny of the Year competition. I guess Toty is an nice acronym, and 'Transgendered-person of the Year 'would be a bit of a mouthful, but I'm much more happy telling people I'm entering the 'Miss Sparkle' competition then the other thing. I've spoken to quite a few people off tvchix who are going and hoping to meet alot of new people while I'm there so I'm very excited. Several of my friends have cried of poor so I may not see them unfortunately. I can understand of course, the weekend has already set me back £100 and that's just for my dress and the room for two nights! I dread to think how much it will cost in the end but hopefully I can get a free drink or too at least.
The blog seems to be getting a nice amount of views, I'll be up to 40000 hits in a few days which is very exciting! Thank you to everyone whose made kind comments to me in chat rooms or in emails, it's great to know that people are reading and enjoying my writing. I'm still hoping that I'll get a few more comments but as long as people are reading I'm happy. In related news I now have my first follower of Twitter (http://twitter.com/AimeChanTG) so thank you to theeayatollah for following me, i promise to try and be even *more* interesting now!
My bottom is also feeling much better now which is nice. Hehe, I didn't get around to blogging about that actually but I went over to the barn the other weekend for one of the private parties and volunteered myself for single tail practice.
A single tail is a big whip, similar in ways to the Indiana Jones type that everyone imagines. One of the young Doms there wanted to try get some practice and as I had never tried one before I was more then happy to help out. The idea with a single tail is just to hit someone with the very end in a quick crack. You're not looking to beat the hell out of them (anyone could do that) but apply the right kind of swish to crack over the target area. I've been caned before (which really hurt) and used by paddles and floggers but the sensation of the single tail was very different. It did hurt but it didn't seem more then I could handle at any point. It was only when six suggested I pull down my tights that we realised the extent that my bottom had been cut open! It was nothing too drastic so don't worry, but the surface had been broken well over a dozen times and there were red welts across the skin. I actually though it looked quite pretty but it was defiantly time to stop.
Anyway, it's been a week now and I'm now and although they're are still some mark I'm mostly recovered. The sensation of a single tail was very different and I'm not sure I enjoyed the sensation of it as much as I have floggers but it was still nice to have been used as practice. I don't think I'll be volunteering again too soon, but at the same time I don't think I would necessarily turn down the opportunity.

My bottom is also feeling much better now which is nice. Hehe, I didn't get around to blogging about that actually but I went over to the barn the other weekend for one of the private parties and volunteered myself for single tail practice.
A single tail is a big whip, similar in ways to the Indiana Jones type that everyone imagines. One of the young Doms there wanted to try get some practice and as I had never tried one before I was more then happy to help out. The idea with a single tail is just to hit someone with the very end in a quick crack. You're not looking to beat the hell out of them (anyone could do that) but apply the right kind of swish to crack over the target area. I've been caned before (which really hurt) and used by paddles and floggers but the sensation of the single tail was very different. It did hurt but it didn't seem more then I could handle at any point. It was only when six suggested I pull down my tights that we realised the extent that my bottom had been cut open! It was nothing too drastic so don't worry, but the surface had been broken well over a dozen times and there were red welts across the skin. I actually though it looked quite pretty but it was defiantly time to stop.
Anyway, it's been a week now and I'm now and although they're are still some mark I'm mostly recovered. The sensation of a single tail was very different and I'm not sure I enjoyed the sensation of it as much as I have floggers but it was still nice to have been used as practice. I don't think I'll be volunteering again too soon, but at the same time I don't think I would necessarily turn down the opportunity.